Monday, September 14, 2009

How It All Began

One late winter's evening on March 17, 1977 a baby was born...

Just kidding...I won' t take you back that far. I wanted to let you guys know how Par Amour got started. Some of you know, some of you don't. But it's a good story, I think.

I first heard about Twilight from my very best friend in the whole world who started reading the books one summer and became completely obsessed. I didn't understand it; I couldn't comprehend it. I loved to read, but vampires? Come on...

She begged me to read and I finally gave in. The last thing I said to her as she was handing over the book was, "I'll never be as obsessed as you are." (insert laughter here)

Needless to say, I became obsessed...well, Robsessed to borrow a phrase. I didn't even know who he was. But my friend showed me picture after picture she had on her computer and she-BAM! It was all over for me. He had my heart and his hand on my lady bits ever since.

I happened onto the MySpace's Artist on Artist interview one day on youtube and fell in love with the two of them. They were adorable together. I'd started reading some fanfiction (Boycotts and Barflies...if you haven't read it, run RIGHT NOW and read story, hands down) and thought to myself, "Self - you love to write. You could totally do this. I had a crazy idea to expand the relationship between Hayley and Rob and I hesitantly told my friend. She thought it was a great idea and literally, these two would not leave me alone. They talked in my head ALL. FUCKING.DAY.

I'm not gonna lie - Rob and Hayley talking in your head all day is not necessarily a bad thing. But very distracting. They basically wrote the story for me. It has been a pretty effortless process for me.

But the weirdest thing was, the more I found out about these two, the more I could see them together. When I would listen to RIOT!, the songs just totally went with everything they were going through. I wrote the most heartbreaking chapters to the sounds of Paramore, crying the whole time.

I started writing long hand in a notebook. After three full notebooks, I decided to give posting a try. I honestly didn't know what kind of response I'd get, and while my story is not widely known, I don't care about that. I've made so many good friends through this story. Friends who've gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life and some live hundreds, even thousands of miles away. I consider each and every one of my reviewers my friend. I love all of you. You guys are the most loyal bunch of ladies I could ever know. And I want you to know that every chapter I plot, write and post...I have you guys in mind.

Sorry this turned into a sappy post. Totally unintentional! Just wanted you guys to know where all this came from and how much I appreciate you all. You rock my whole world!

Now for some interactive play...oooh, that sounded dirty. When did you first hear and become obsessed w/ the Twilight saga and Rob? And Hayley for that matter if you're obsessed with her? Don't be shy...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Welcome everybody! I'm so glad you stopped by and checked my blog out. I have cookies, so help yourself. Oh! And lemonade. It's spiked with tequila, but you know...never too early to start drinking!

I wanted to start this blog as a way for all of us to communicate with one another. I have the most amazing reviewers in the world and I think every single one of you is awesome. I want you all to get to know one another! So for our first post...I'd like for you to introduce yourself in the comments section. Let's start to know one another.

I'll start...

Hi! My name is ArenGoLucky or Brae as my husband likes to call me...or Mom as the three yard apes that share my space bellow every five minutes. I love to write and read. Music is my passion...have to have it all the time. And...I love to's a bad habit. In fact my betas have to constantly be on me for using them.

I'm a home school mom, so my days are pretty busy, but I wouldn't change that for anything. I love to cook and garden...and drink. Drinking is good for the soul...not so good on the liver though.

And I think that pretty much sums me up. I'm not that exciting. I'm not that glamorous, no matter what you've heard...LOL! But I do love people...especially the reviewers I've managed to get to know since I started this story.

So amongst yourselves :)