Monday, September 14, 2009

How It All Began

One late winter's evening on March 17, 1977 a baby was born...

Just kidding...I won' t take you back that far. I wanted to let you guys know how Par Amour got started. Some of you know, some of you don't. But it's a good story, I think.

I first heard about Twilight from my very best friend in the whole world who started reading the books one summer and became completely obsessed. I didn't understand it; I couldn't comprehend it. I loved to read, but vampires? Come on...

She begged me to read and I finally gave in. The last thing I said to her as she was handing over the book was, "I'll never be as obsessed as you are." (insert laughter here)

Needless to say, I became obsessed...well, Robsessed to borrow a phrase. I didn't even know who he was. But my friend showed me picture after picture she had on her computer and she-BAM! It was all over for me. He had my heart and his hand on my lady bits ever since.

I happened onto the MySpace's Artist on Artist interview one day on youtube and fell in love with the two of them. They were adorable together. I'd started reading some fanfiction (Boycotts and Barflies...if you haven't read it, run RIGHT NOW and read story, hands down) and thought to myself, "Self - you love to write. You could totally do this. I had a crazy idea to expand the relationship between Hayley and Rob and I hesitantly told my friend. She thought it was a great idea and literally, these two would not leave me alone. They talked in my head ALL. FUCKING.DAY.

I'm not gonna lie - Rob and Hayley talking in your head all day is not necessarily a bad thing. But very distracting. They basically wrote the story for me. It has been a pretty effortless process for me.

But the weirdest thing was, the more I found out about these two, the more I could see them together. When I would listen to RIOT!, the songs just totally went with everything they were going through. I wrote the most heartbreaking chapters to the sounds of Paramore, crying the whole time.

I started writing long hand in a notebook. After three full notebooks, I decided to give posting a try. I honestly didn't know what kind of response I'd get, and while my story is not widely known, I don't care about that. I've made so many good friends through this story. Friends who've gotten me through some pretty rough times in my life and some live hundreds, even thousands of miles away. I consider each and every one of my reviewers my friend. I love all of you. You guys are the most loyal bunch of ladies I could ever know. And I want you to know that every chapter I plot, write and post...I have you guys in mind.

Sorry this turned into a sappy post. Totally unintentional! Just wanted you guys to know where all this came from and how much I appreciate you all. You rock my whole world!

Now for some interactive play...oooh, that sounded dirty. When did you first hear and become obsessed w/ the Twilight saga and Rob? And Hayley for that matter if you're obsessed with her? Don't be shy...


  1. Well, I'm all about interactive play and as the activities coordinator I think it's only fair that I jump in a play along too.

    My obsession with Paramore started before my obsession with Twilight/Rob. I heard Misery Business on the radio and thought, "Holy hell, that chick can sing and she just kicked my ass with that song." Then I saw the video for it and I thought, "Aww, she's so adorable, I just want to put her in my pocket." Since then, I can't get enough of them. Hayley has become my hair guru, I took a picture of her to my stylist and said, "I want read hair like this" and now I have red, orange & purple hair. I'm the rocker mommy at the salon! :)

    I swore I would never read Twilight. I read all of the Harry Potters, I have all of the movies, so yes, I knew who Rob was when he was being that adorable Cedric Digory. My sister kept telling me that I needed to read Twilight, I kept telling her that all I NEEDED to do was breathe.

    I broke down and bought the 1st book with a Barnes & Noble gift card that was given to me for Christmas. I was hooked and read the entire thing in a day. I didn't have the other books, and I seriously shook because it was like someone had taken my drug from me. I went & saw the movie...and while the acting was not great and the movie itself left a bad taste in my mouth, I couldn't stop looking for pictures of Rob online. He was never my idea for Edward, I'm still not sure that he is, but he's awfully nice to look at. :)

    I eventually bought all of the books, and lucky me, I got sick and had a whole week to lay on the couch and read them! I've read them 4 times through now, I skip the part when Edward leaves in New Moon and I skip Jacob's book in BD...

    When I saw the artist on artist interview with these two, I immediately thought they should hook up. They were so adorable together! When I came across Par Amour, I freaked. It was like someone else was reading my mind and had created a little world where my dreams had come true. I've been stalking arengolucky ever since, I am her bitch. She knows she owns me, I've never made a secret out of it.

    So, anywho, that's how I became obsessed with Twilight, Rob & Hayley. Everything stops in my house when Par Amour updates, fer reals.

  2. Are you ready for this? It's kinda crazy.

    Alright. So in 2007, I was in my junior year of high school. And one day my English teacher told us we had to pick a book and then write a brochure about it. Well me, being the little book nerd that I was, got really, super excited. She took us to the school library and the librarian showed us some different books. One of them was Twilight. I had seen the book many times over the past couple of years, but I never was interested. For some reason the cover didn't pull me in. Stupid me, I never read the back of the book.

    So I was walking around looking for a super awesome book and I just couldn't find one. Well my teacher gave us the 2 minute warning and I looked like crazy for a book. I walked past the table that held the books that the librarian had shown us upon our arrival. I picked up Twilight thinking, What the hell?, and checked it out, my teacher telling me to hurry up the entire time. The whole class was already back at the room.

    I opened it up and started reading and didn't stop until 3 the next morning. I was hooked. I then read New Moon and Eclipse within the next two days. I had to wait almost an entire year for Breaking Dawn. I went to the midnight release and that book was devoured in 12 hours. My new record.

    I can't tell you how many times I've the books. Twilight and New Moon I've read the most, just because all I had for like 4 months was a copy of Twilight and then New Moon is my favorite of the 4. Speaking of New Moon, I got my movie poster today. My mommy rocks!

    Okay. So, I gotta be honest with y'all. When I first saw Rob, which was in my Algebra 2 class the day it was announced on SM's website who was playing Edward, I wasn't sure he could be Edward. I didn't think he was beautiful enough. *hides* I grew to love him though. I mean I even asked the substitute in my math class if HE thought Rob was attractive. He stared at me in disbelief and walked away.
    Heh. Of course now, I love Rob to pieces.

    Paramore obsession started before Twilight in 2006 when my cousin let me listen to them. I've loved them ever since. I'm getting my haircut and it's gonna be cut like Hayley's.

    Then the Artist on Artist interview combined two of my favorite people and lucky me, that one day I was looking for a good Rob fanfic and stumbled upon Par Amour. (Did you notice I stumble onto a lot of things? Yeah. It transcribes to the rest of my life. So, I stumble OVER alot of things too.) I was like Hayley? Rob? Together? Hell yea! Then I proceeded to become hooked.

    Yup. So that's my story. Fun, huh? Not really, I know. ^_^

  3. Loved to know how it all began.
    Maybe you can share a link to those 2 fanfics? ;)

  4. I'm listening to the Boycotts and Barflies podcast now- love it so far! Thanks for sharing the backstory of your love for Rob and Hayley. I hope you continue to write even after this story ends. You have a gift, my friend:)

  5. i love hearing everyone's story on how the obsession started! and yes camilla, i can give you the link to boycotts & barflies...
    it is seriously awesome! you won't regret reading it. i've read it at least 2's that good. just a feel good story!

    i love you guys! fer realz!

  6. and if that link didn't can go onto my fanfiction profile page and go to my favorite stories and it's on the bottom of that. it's good!

  7. Boycotts & Barflies is awesome! I love VJGM...Trust in Advertisment is amazing too!

    All of the sudden this turned into a fic rec...sorry. :)

  8. Hey babes! :) I hope you know how thankful I am for you both getting smacked about the head from the lovely one to read Twi & then getting the inspiration for this tale. I love having you as a friend! & I love our discussions on this story! My kick arse bonny is one-of-a-kind! & I love her(you!) xxxxx

  9. yes, manfamae, B&B is awesome! i love it. also...check out cullen's island. it's a good one.

  10. awww...emmy, i love you too! i have loved getting to know you and i seriously believe you are my twin across the pond...our minds are the same. lovely! and i do kinda kick arse...thanks :)

  11. How all this started?
    Well, before Christmas, I was on the internet and everybody was talking about this big movie inspired by a book called Twilight. There was some debate about the lead actor not being good-looking or good enough to play Edward Cullen. I realized it was Cedric Diggory from HP and thought:"well, he is not perfect but people must really love this book if they are so vehement about this choice". So I got the book for Christmas and I loved it.
    Then, I watched the movie and found it very funny but I didn't gave a second thought at the actor's look. Then, I saw some picture of him not being "Edward" and the whole meaning of "Robsessed" became clear to me...

    About Paramore: I discovered them when I heard the song Decode and I'm sorry to say it but I didn't like it at all. Then, one day (around March) I stumbled across the acoustic version of Misery Business and I thought that Hayley was probably the best live singer of our time.

    The same day, I was flicking through some Rob fanfiction when I found this fic called "Par Amour" where I recognized Hayley's face on the banner. I thought: "I should give it a try".
    Then BAM! I fell in love at the first reading. Now, everytime I've got a mail saying "New chapter", I smile for two days.

  12. yeah, twilight wasn't my fave movie, but i think my level of obsession went to a whole new level after i saw it. so i totes get you laura...

    hayley's vocals are stupid just don't get vocals that good from bands these days.

    i'm so glad you found me...and i love that you love getting updates! your reviews make me smile!
